Call Dialler Software

At Blue Telecoms, telesales campaigns will always remain helpful and current. Whilst we’re aware that for lots of people, the idea of telesales can
appear negative and somewhat sleazy – our view is that’s because most people don’t understand enough about the industry.

Why Many Companies Use Telesales As A Default Option

We believe that the biggest reason many clients use telesales campaigns to reach their audience, is that it grants far more control over who you actively market towards. You can only choose to contact the people who you place value against, modifying your pitch to solve the issues of different types of customer. It also ensures you can contact many “quality” clients en-mass, boosting your efficiency ten-fold.

Why Telesales Can Perform Better Than Other Marketing Channels

Some companies can have doubts on the benefit of telesales, especially in comparison with other media channels such as social media or web search.

Our belief, is that telesales campaigns can easily work alongside other channels, like social media. In many cases, the ability to call leads generated via these methods quickly and efficiently can lead to more positive engagements and hopefully increased sales. This is especially true of B2B sales campaigns, were clients will often want to learn about a product before signining the order.

Addressing Negative Telesales Associations

The main reasons we feel that telesales campaigns have a bad name amongst many companies, is through the use of old fashioned telesales techniques. This includes dialling methods such as harassing clients, or simply dialling from a list of clients – regardless of how much those people want to hear from you. Thankfully, these old methods are dying out and in many cases have been actively banned.

By integrating your dialler system with other channels, such as email marketing, seocial media, SEO and PPC leads – you can create multiple ways for your clients to interate with your brand.

Telesales Will Be Around Forever

In our view, telesales and telemarketing will remain to be a force for sales. The personal connection you have with each client cannot be beaten, and any developments will likely well your brands engagement with customers.


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